Thursday, December 19, 2013

Little Six Panel Skirt

My granddaughter is almost a year old. I'm sad that I won't get to be there for her first Christmas. But I did make her a Christmas stocking. And today I decided to make her a skirt. I have it finished except for the waistband. I'm waiting for her mom to measure her waist. The little dear was taking her nap so I didn't get the measurements yet. Hopefully I can finish it tomorrow and have it to her in time for Christmas, but if not then, I'll have it for her birthday in February. They grow so fast. Darn it all, I wish I lived closer. I want to make her some dresses, but I think I should use a pattern for those. It would be nice if I could make a reversible dress.

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Bean and His Family

Today some friends were visiting from out of town and we had a fabulous time having a picnic lunch between the raindrops. I got to meet the incredible 'Bean' and his sister who is really a fairy princess. We ran around the yard collecting golf balls, took a walk down a dirt road, shot arrows at a big burlap sack, and took turns wearing my camo hat.

A cool day for a change.

Looking at the arrow book.

The Bean studying his Thomas the Train stickers.

Stickers and coloring keep Bean busy.

Giving archery a try.
Bean stretching out for his walk.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer and Grandkids

I just left my daughter's house where I got to hang out with two of my grandchildren for 2 glorious weeks. We went to parks, a company picnic, a Renaissance Faire and other fun things. I made my grandson a red tunic and belt so he could be a pirate at the Renaissance Faire. I won't be able to post photos until I get home from vacation, so stay tuned. My granddaughter looked adorable in the yellow hat I knitted for her.

My grandson, who is 2 1/2, and I both took turns painting in the backyard. I did 2 landscapes, and he seemed to be painting mostly dragons. Or so he said. Then of course it was time to play in the hose to wash all the paint off.

My son-in-law is going to need new tunics as well. He's been working out a lot and now his chest won't fit in his shirts! With two kids in diapers, I don't think my daughter will be sewing much for at least 2 years, so maybe I can do it. That is, if and when I get home and my sewing machine wants to cooperate. I think it's fun when the whole family dresses up for an event.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Embroidery on Felt Bunny Ornament

I like the way my first bunny ornament came out. What do you think? I wasn't sure about the whiskers. With whiskers or without? I am going to make one for my new granddaughter that says Maggie's first Easter.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cute Bunny Craft

I wish I could take credit for this, but I found it on Pinterest and had to share.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Friday, January 25, 2013

Bread Dough Art

I'm just about to do some bread dough art, which has always been a classic craft for children. But you can make complicated adult things as well. I got a fantastic book from the library on it called Country Doughcrafts by Sophie-Jane Tilley and Susan Welby. ISBN: 0-696-20460-6.  The Basic Recipe is
Two Level Cups of All Purpose Flour, 1 Level Cup of table salt and 1/2 Cup of lukewarm water. If you want the detailed directions look for the book, although I'm sure there are many resources on line for bread dough art. It's a rainy day, and I'm a bit under the weather, but I should be able to handle this.  It will take my mind off of the dreary winter day. I'll let you know what I come up with.